Saturday, 1 August 2015

May those animals find peace in this life and be reborn in the Western Pure Land of Utmost Bliss.

Dont confuse Industry and Farming for starters. 2nd, Animals are Bred NOT 'Mated' this is a story Obviously done by a city person whos trying to create emotional propaganda. Some cows or other livestock animals are great mommas, most could care less. Its natural instinct to hide the calf, some breeds are known for it more than others. Sometimes we have older does, goats in our case-tho we have a herd of cattle as well- who really want babies and will try to steal other babies- not because we took theirs away- maybe they didnt breed that year-or maybe they just like to steal all the babies lol-it happens. And when they have their own they may be lousy mothers that wont even nurse them. and if they are old, and they want to keep their babies we, personally, let them. When you leave babies on the mothers- especially when there is only One-it can cause a multitude of health problems for the momma-including mastitis and that destroys the udder often even when treated. If she cant feed the baby the baby dies, and if she cant milk ever again-then shes done for. Plus, dealing with dam raised babies is a problem because then they are WILD. Thats a Nightmare to deal with wild animals-then think of that Wild on a 100 head scale. How are we supposed to medically treat those wild animals? or otherwise deal with them on our own? trim feet? rescue them in trouble? or anything else? Would you want to handle a dog thats constantly trying to rip your face off every time you get close to it? NO naturally. City people think they know everything and they dont question anything they read. You Should. Stop being pansy fools believing everything you read. Get educated instead.

Source -Here-